Intellij Setting

추천 플러그인

  1. NodeJS
  2. AngularJS
  3. .ignore
  4. Live Edit
  5. BashSupport
  6. (선택) Scala

시스템 설정 (Window)

  1. 환경 변수 추가
    1. IDEA_JDK_64 -> 자바 설치 경로
  2. Intellij 실행 파일 변경
    1. idea64.exe로 실행하도록 합니다.
  3. Intellij 실행 옵션 변경
    1. Intellij 설치 경로 / bin / idea64.exe.vmoptions
      1. Xms와 Xmx를 적당한 크기로 잡아줍니다.

시스템 설정 (Mac)

  1. /Applications/IntelliJ IDEA 파일에서 <JVMVersion> 부분을 1.8*로 변경


  1. Appearance & Behavior > Appearance
    1. Theme = Darcula
    2. Automatically position mouse cursor on default button = true
    3. Tooltip initial delay (ms) = 100ms
    4. Show memory indicator
  2. Editor > General
    1. Honor "CamelHumps" words settings when selecting on double click = false
    2. Change font size (Zoom) with Command(Ctrl)+Mouse Wheel = true
  3. Editor > General > Smart Keys
    1. Use "CamelHumps" words = true
  4. Editor > General > Appearance
    1. Show line numbers = true
  5. Editor > General > Code Completion
    1. Code Completion > Autopopup documentation in (ms) = 100
    2. Parameter Info > Autopopup in (ms) = 100
    3. Parameter Info > Show full signatures = true
  6. Editor > General > Auto Import
    1. Optimize imports on the fly
    2. Add unambiguous imports on the fly
  7. Editor > Code Style
    1. Line separator = Unix and OS X (\n)
  8. Editor > File Encodings
    1. IDE Encoding = UTF-8
    2. ProjectEncoding = UTF-8
    3. Default encoding for properties files = UTF-8
  9. Version Control > Git
    1. Path to Git executable = Git 실행파일 경로
  10. Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven
    1. Always update snapshots = true
    2. User settings file = 개발환경에 맞는 파일
  11. Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Maven > Importing
    1. Import Maven projexts automatically = true
    2. Automatically download
      1. Sources = true
      2. Documentation = true
  12. (선택) Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > SBT
    1. Use auto-import = true
    2. Create directories for empty content roots automatically = true
    3. Download sources and docs
  13. Tools > SSH Terminal
    1. Default encoding = UTF-8

기본 프로젝트 구조

  1. Project
    1. Project SDK = New 선택하여 사용할 기본 SDK 선택. (예: Java 1.8)
    2. Project language level = SDK default


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